United Thank Offering Grants

The 2024 UTO Grant Cycle is now closed.

The 2025 Focus is on water.

Application materials will be available here in June 2024.

2025 UTO Grant Focus and Criteria

This is the final year of the United Thank Offering’s grants
focusing on areas of ministry based on Matthew 25:31–46.
The 2025 grant focus is on water,
based on Jesus’ words: “I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.”
UTO will fund projects focused on water, including but not limited to projects that:

  • Address water issues such as desalinization, access, care of water sources, water rights & education about water resources.

  • Increase water awareness (drought tolerance, flood prevention).

  • Address health issues directly related to water quality (formula access for babies, aftermath of contaminated water, etc.).

  • Address water needs of unhoused people (laundry, showers, bathrooms, drinking water).

  • UTO recognizes that many water access issues today stem directly from historic trauma and harm done to marginalized people. Projects that encourage truth telling, acknowledge that historic trauma around water, and establish pathways towards healing also fit this focus.

Additional Funding Sources (Non-UTO Grants)

Church Periodical Club Grants

Are you looking for funding for printed or electronic written materials?

While these items cannot be included in your request for funding from UTO, you can request them from the Church Periodical Club (CPC). CPC was founded in 1888 to send materials to missionaries, clergy and congregations as the church expanded westward. The work of CPC is endowed and funded through donations from Episcopalians and friends of CPC who feel called to ensure that those who need materials can access them.

Click here to learn more about Church Periodical Club.

Church Periodical Club Grant Processes

The National Book Fund: Grant requests come from schools, libraries, individuals, agencies, and parishes throughout the Anglican Communion. This fund supplies materials for adults. Grants are made for written materials of all types, such as books, magazines, and e-books. The specific materials are determined and purchased by the recipients. Materials may be religious or secular, but must be used within the mission of the Church. More information can be found here.

Miles of Pennies Fund: Provides grants for children’s books and was created in 1988. The maximum amount of money requested may NOT exceed 1 Mile of Pennies – $844.80. Grants are accepted on a rolling deadline. More information can be found here.