United Thank Offering Grants

Funding innovative mission and ministry
throughout The Episcopal Church
and The Anglican Communion.

How It Works

Once all of the thank offerings are collected,
the UTO Board gives them away as grants.
The thank offerings that you put into your Blue Box
combine with others to fund innovative
mission and ministry in The Episcopal Church
and the Anglican Communion.

UTO grants often focus on urgent human needs –
meaning your individual gratitude gift
helps with racial reconciliation efforts, ending poverty,
and much more.

UTO Grants Through the Years

Since 1883,
more than 5,400 grants
have been awarded by UTO
(for a total of over $144 million)
to support projects throughout
The Episcopal Church and
The Anglican Communion.

Apply for a Grant

Over the next 3 years, The United Thank Offering, in the spirit of Matthew 25, will focus on areas of ministry that serve those who society has left out and left behind. 

The UTO grant focus for 2025 is on water, based on Jesus’ words: “I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.”

Grant Reporting

Once you have received a grant from the United Thank Offering, you will be asked to submit a mid-year report and a final report to keep us updated on your project. We also offer an opportunity to request an extension for your grant if it cannot be completed in accords with the initial timeline you provided. 

Featured UTO Grant Sites

MANNA at The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston – MANNA received a UTO grant in 2021, with a focus on COVID Relief. MANNA, a community of and for the unhoused population of Boston, saw a change in their community population as a direct result of the pandemic. To better meet the needs their community, MANNA applied for a UTO grant to hire an intern. To learn more about the life-changing work of UTO, watch the video below!

St. Stephen’s Youth Programs – St. Stephen’s has received multiple UTO grants throughout the years to promote equity in education, employment, and opportunity through long-term relationships with youth, their families, and their communities.

Progente Connections – Progente Connections received a UTO grant to start Orientation to American Culture: An ecumenical coalition of Brazilian immigrant and American churches will launch a new educational effort to complement a well-received English instruction program. 

Sign up to receive monthly news about the United Thank Offering–current events, grant site updates, and more! 

Sign up here.

Register Your Parish

Register your parish with UTO to access perks and help us keep in contact.

Sign up here.

Keep Connected

Please fill out this form if you are a new UTO Coordinator or if you are transitioning out of leadership.

Sign up here.